
Tobramycin antibiotic eye drops for dogs and cats



TOBRACULIN 0,3 % eye drops, solution Tobramycin

Tolbramycin ( as suphate) 3 mg and excipients : Benzalkonium chloride, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, Sodium chloride, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Purified water to 1 ml.

Tobramycin is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside . A broad spectrum of antibacterial activity . Active primarily against Gram -negative and some gram-positive aerobic microorganisms – Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, Proteus ( indole -positive and indole -negative ) . Klebsiella, Shigella, Enterobacter, Serratia, Providentia, Citrobacter, Staphylococcus aureus ( coagulase -positive and coagulase -negative , including
penitsilinazoprodutsirashti ) . Less active against streptococci and Esch – Rococo . It acts by inhibiting the bactericidal protein synthesis at the ribosome level and by disrupting the integrity of the bacterial outer membrane . It is active in both the log and the stationary phase of growth of the microorganisms , such as the higher is its activity in the rapid growth phase and in the neutral and slightly alkaline conditions. It is active against almost all causes of ocular surface disease in dogs and cats.

For topical treatment of superficial bacterial infections of the external eye and its subsidiary bodies caused by sensitive to tobramycin pathogens – conjunctivitis , blepharitis , blefarokonyunktiviti keratitis , keratoconjunctivitis , hordeolum ,
dakriotsistiti , creeping corneal ulcers , secondary infections and erosions
corneal ulcers ; prophylactically after extraction of foreign bodies from the cornea and conjunctiva ; preoperatively and postoperatively for extra-and intrabulbarni operations.

Contraindications :
Do not use in dogs and cats who are hypersensitive or allergic to tobramycin or to any of the excipients of Tobrakulin 0 , 3% eye drops . Do not use other eye drops during administration of Tobrakulin . Do not use in viral sims freeplay hacks and fungal infections of the eyes.

Adverse effects:

Possible burning, itching and swelling of the eyelids or conjunctival erythema svetloboyazan . In such cases, the application of the preparation should be discontinued . With prolonged use are possible with disbacteriosis svrahnamnozhavane of sensitive organisms, including fungi. In such cases, it is imperative that an appropriate treatment .

Method of administration :
Externally at the lower conjunctival sac , taking care not to pipette touches the eye and skin. After each internal ocular instillation angle is pressed for about 30-60 seconds in order to prevent leakage of the solution through the tear ducts .

In mild to moderate inflammation was dropped 1-2 drops every 4 hours. Acute infection was dropped by 2 drops every hour to improve
state , and then switching to mode 1-2 drops every 4 hours. Treatment lasts 5 to 10 days.
Special precautions for use of the preparation:


PRICE – £ 11.90

3 or more £ 10.90
