Horse: Diseases affecting the osteoarticular and muscular-skeletal system associated with acute pain and inflammation:
- Lameness of traumatic origin
- Arthritis
- Osteitis, spavin
- Tendinitis, bursitis
- Naviculitis
- Laminitis
- Myositis
Ketoprofen is also indicated for post-surgical inflammation, symptomatic therapy of colic and fever.
Cattle : Diseases associated with inflammation, pain or fever:
- Respiratory diseases
- Mastitis
- Osteoarticular and muscular-skeletal disorders such as lameness, arthritis and to ease uprise post parturition
- Injuries
Swine: Diseases associated with inflammation, pain or fever:
- Treatment associated with the Postpartum Dysgalactia Syndrome/Mastitis Metritis Agalactia (MMA) Syndrome
- Respiratory tract infections
- Symptomatic treatment of fever
For the short-term relief of post operative pain associated with minor soft tissue surgery such as castration in piglets.
Where necessary ketoprofen should be combined with appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
Withdrawal times: Meat & Offal 4 days – Milk (cattle) 0 days
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